Top to bottom: Jolene, Tae, Timothy, Stella, Reba

About us

Hi! My name is Tasha.  After falling in love with a couple of different doodle breeds and lots of research and experience with doodles, we set our hearts on Aussiedoodles and Cavapoos. With the help and support of my husband(Bobby), Blue Diamond Puppies was started in 2017. Although we are not currently breeding Cavapoos, we do have plans to bring them back in the future. 

Happy,healthy puppies

In addition to socializing and handling our puppies daily, we perform early neurological stimulations (ENS) on our new born puppies. ENS not only gets the puppies used to being handled but it is also shown to improve cardio vascular performance,strengthen heart beats, strengthen adrenal glands, increase tolerance to stress and increase resistance to disease! We want to give our puppies the very best start in life!

Our son with Reba's puppy,Max
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